Waterproof with Rain Gardens

Waterproofing is never a one time job. As long as you own your home, you should be completing quarterly and yearly, waterproofing maintenance to ensure longevity of your property. After consulting with Koppers Quality Waterproofing for your general waterproofing services. We highly recommend checking in to get tips and resources on how to keep your property dry! This “Waterproof with Rain Gardens” is a recommendation to compliment our waterproofing existing waterproofing services.

Waterproofing with Rain Gardens
Waterproofing with Rain Gardens
Why do you need a rain garden?

Rain gardens are an easy way to capture rainwater that otherwise may lead to flooding and increased pollution. Because rainwater flows across our yards, patios, parking lots, and other hard surfaces, the water picks up oil, pet waste, fertilizer, sediments, and other pollutants. Eventually, this polluted storm water runoff courses into storm drains and into our streams and rivers, and back into your tap water.

Benefits of Rain Gardens:

Flooding Protection

First, growing a rain garden is an economical way to direct water runoff. Gardens not only increase curb appeal and home values, but they also help to reduce the amount of rain that flows into your basement and sewer. By growing a rain garden at least, 10 feet from your home or other structures, the plants naturally absorbs excess water. Most importantly, rain gardens help to reduce localized flooding, replenish the local groundwater, and improves local municipality water quality.

Pollution Control

Second, rain gardens filter out sediment and other pollutants. Such as animal waste, brake dust, oils and automotive chemicals. By capturing the first inch or so of rainwater runoff, the gardens helps slow down water flow because it is it filtered by the soil and plants.

Water Conservation

Third, because a rain garden allows water to slowly soak into the ground this eliminates the need to water the garden. Therefore reducing your need, and the expense of watering your garden. Thus allowing other sources of water collection, like rain barrel water, to be used on fruit and vegetable gardens.

Habitat Creation

Lastly, rain gardens should always be planted with “deep-rooted native plants”. Deep-rooted plants infiltrate rain water in wet times and and locate water during dry times. In addition native plants will survive the best because they are adapted to the local climate, seasons, and weather changes! These plants will also attract, and provide shelter and food for wildlife and support pollinators. Native plants will invite a variety of beautiful birds, butterflies, and other beneficial insects in your outdoor space.